I was reading an email sent from Coach Kyle Richardson at NWHS and noticed the stamp at the bottom:
State Champions 2010, 1993, 1989
A couple of things struck me:
1- You don't win state every year. Some years you struggle for a winning record even, but you never give up. You fight to "win today" and get better. You keep grinding and working and developing so that tomorrow is a little bit better than and closer to what you want reality to be. You can't get "fat & happy" & complacent. Yesterdays victories don't mean anything today.
2- You can't be state champs if you don't "win today." You can't focus on what you have done in the past or what might be around the bend (it is good to plan etc, but you get my drift). You have to win the day in order to get better, to move on and to succeed.
Our jobs, relationships and lives can be so up and down. Sometimes you are flying high and the next minute you are face down on the ground. I wear a band on my arm that says two things on it. On one part it says, "ALWAYS COMPETE" and on the other side it says, "WINFOREVER." Those are great reminders that we need to work hard to be all we can be as disciples, husbands, wives, teammates, friends, leaders... We should always compete to win the day in every way and then give the glory to the One who deserves it.